The reboot consist of 21 organic juices (3 a day) for 7 days. Before the reboot you should weigh yourself & take measurements, we'll discuss your progress & determine how to proceed when you've completed the first reboot. The juices will be a mixture of these combinations with at least 1 green juice a day.

7 Day Reboot
The reboot consist of 21 organic juices. Before starting the reboot you should weigh yourself & take measurements, we'll discuss your progress & determine how to proceed when you've completed the first reboot.
How much thought goes into what you eat? We often spend so a lot of time planning a meal, thinking about the next time we will eat, or even feeling anxious or guilty about how healthy we are being. There is no need to stress out or overthink food. Trying a reboot is an amazing step toward becoming more mindful about what you are putting into your body each day, giving you the opportunity to reflect on whether or not you are getting everything you need.
On a physiological level, rebooting halts all unnecessary toxins and calories from entering your system. When your GI tract no longer has to process fried, or processed foods, the body actually has the energy to power up other systems, leaving you feeling rejuvenated in ways that your regular diet might not. This way, when your 7-day reboot is over you are left feeling your best and have a better understanding of how important it is to follow a balanced diet.